June 22, 2024 - How Alice the Genealogist Avoids the Rabbit Hole

06/22/2024 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM ET



                Lisa  Louise Cooke                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


Don’t let unexpected genealogical finds send you down a rabbit hole any longer. In this video class we will cover concrete strategies for staying focused on what matters most, while not losing track of opportunities that present themselves. You’ll also learn about free tech tools that you can put in place to give you peace of mind, take back those lost hours, and help you be more productive.



Lisa Louise Cooke is CEO of Genealogy Gems, a genealogy education company featuring The Genealogy Gems Podcast, available at in iTunes, and the Genealogy Gems app. Her books include Mobile Genealogy, The Genealogist’s Google Toolbox Second Edition, How to Find Your Family History in Newspapers, and she has published 100+ videos at the Genealogy Gems YouTube Channel. She also produces The Family Tree Magazine Podcast, regularly writes for the magazine, and teaches for Family Tree University.


Registration opens June 1st, for members of CDGS. If there is space remaining non-members can register starting June 16th. Registration closes at 11pm, 2 days prior to the event.